Muted Screams
Muted Screams explores the internal state of suffering in silence, suffering which comes from compromising oneself for the love of others. We all have remained in relationships, in friendships, in work situations, within ideals even when they deny us of who we truly are. We remain because of a sense of responsibility, of duty and of love.
In that process we sacrifice our true selves. This body of work expresses one perspective of what lies underneath; fear of rejection and exposure, fear of loss, struggles to be truly honest and the fear that arises from deep pain. Personally this body of work reflects upon a time I watched and tended to my mother in law die of cancer. As she was dying I had to interact with my estranged spouse. There in that room I realised why our marriage died as I watched her die. I was surrounded by death and grief of all forms. All I wanted to do was run, I didn’t want to be there, I was cast out made to feel unwelcome but I only remained because she wanted me to. The hurt was maddening.
This body of work was created to express and release the heavy sentiments of that time.